Monday 11 May 2009

Found - The Lost Pattern

I am in love with Ravelry. How else could I have found the pattern for the childhood toy my boyfriend has owned for 26 odd years? What are the chances of a Raveller stumbling across my plea for help, and finding an A4 page ripped out of a magazine all those years ago? Now we have a purple knitsput to match the original red sputknit.

Poppy Cakes

A week or so after Poppy was born, I had a couple of peeps over my place for tea and cupcakes. Poppy was conceived on the same day that my folks planted their first crop of carrots so I decided to make carrot poppyseed cupcakes in her honour.
I took the recipe from Maxine Clark's wonderful book, Comfort Food. Her recipe for carrot cake is the best I've ever come across, full of carrots, poppy seeds and pineapple. Just writing about it makes me want to cook up a batch.
The poppy's I improvised as I went along. I rolled out marzipan, cut out poppy shapes and painted them in three coats of red food colouring. Then I painted them with red icing and topped them off with some liquorice. The leaves were made in the same way but with green food colouring.

21 March 2009 - Poppy is Born

Clo's bubby was born on 21 March 2009, brave Clo delivered Poppy on gas and air only. Isn't she beautiful....and in the Debbie Bliss Cardi I knit for her, it's a little big now but with sheer quantity of milk she demands she'll grow into it pretty soon.

Baby Boom - Dr Zeuss Cot Blanket

I finished this in December 08 and I can only just bring myself to look at it now. Me and my sis Clo used to love the Dr. Zeuss books and at age 9 (or thereabouts), Clo reproduced the front cover of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, which Ma framed and hung pride of place in the dining room.

So when Clo announced that she was "with sprog", I thought I'd knit up a Dr Zeuss cot blanket. Designing it was the fun bit, I love graph paper and coloured pencils. But knitting it!!! Oh the pain!!! Apart from the fact that I'd never attempted intarsia before (check out all the scruffy outlines) I used 2mm circs and somehow managed to create a mobius twist so I had to steak the darn thing a quarter of the way through.

Then we come to the choice of yarn. I decided to buy online and couldn't for love nor money find a decent yellow. Why is yellow yarn so difficult to find? I ended up buying cones of machine knitting cotton. I hand knit with MACHINE KNITTING COTTON, I must be crazy, it was so thin I found it near impossible to get a good tension.

It took near enough two solid months to complete, I backed it with a cute blue and white polka dot fabric and gifted it to Clo for Christmas.

I quite like it now five months later, but never ever ever again.

Baby Boom - Sharky The Cat

Taken from one of those Bazaar knitting booklets. Naff City!!!

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not cut out for knitting toys, apart from the fact that I found the knitting really tiresome the bloomin' thing looks rather dopey.

Named after a childhood pet, meet Sharky the floppy moggy.

...and the original from the Bazaar booklet.

Baby Boom - Debbie Bliss Booties

These were so quick to make and so cute. I'm a bit Debbie Bliss'd out now...